Professional Peer Mentoring

Online support

Professional peer support for bodyworkers, coaches, educators, or therapists, working with consent, communication, embodiment and sexuality

One of the most important things any professional can do – especially those holding space for others - is to get regular support for themselves.

What do I offer?

Professional peer mentoring is different from formal supervision.

Rather than having defined targets, or outcomes, this is more of a co-created talk space, informed by whatever feels most useful for you to discuss and explore in each session.

It’s a confidential space to bring questions, ideas, challenges, or issues that you’re experiencing in your work with clients or groups, or in your professional life, and get support with unpacking and understanding those things more clearly.

You bring your own expertise, wisdom, and in-depth understanding of your professional field.

I bring the lens of my own work and years of experience as a body-based sex and intimacy educator to support you.

I can’t guarantee to have ‘all the answers’, but I can offer you space to share, reflect, and learn, in connection and collaboration with another experienced professional.

Who do I support?

Anyone who includes any of the following in their work with clients (either directly with the client in sessions, or supporting clients with these things in their lives outside sessions).

  • Consent and boundaries
  • Communication and relationships
  • Touch, and embodiment
  • Relational intimacy, and sexuality

I mainly support bodyworkers, coaches, educators, or therapists, but I’m open to approaches from those in other professional roles if you feel my background and experience would be supportive for you.

"I have consistently found Michael’s presence to any subject I bring illuminating. He helps me to tease out what is important for me as a next step and I always leave inspired and uplifted. He has insight, structure and intelligence and is not afraid to use it". 

Lucy Iredale, Yoga teacher and intimacy guide

professional peer mentoring

How does it work and what does it cost?

I offer support sessions of 60 or 90 minutes, online over Zoom.

These are unstructured so we’ll check in at the start of each session to see what you’re bringing, and what your intention is for our time together. Then I’ll hold that container for you, and bring my experience and knowledge to support you.

60 minutes (one-off)


90 minutes (one-off)


Block of 3 hours


(Blocks can be used as any combination of 60 or 90 mins)